مقدمة إذاعة مدرسية عن رمضان 2022

مقدمة إذاعة مدرسية عن رمضان 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The introduction to a school radio about Ramadan 2022 is characterized as the first paragraph with which the morning school radio begins, as this paragraph is approved by the person in charge of the radio, to develop an ideal preface to the special issue of Ramadan, which is based on attracting hearts to the blessed month, and providing an overview of the paragraphs Which will be presented, and through the reference website, the visitor can learn about the introduction of a school radio about the advent of the month of Ramadan 2022 within a comprehensive talk about school radio in Ramadan 1443.

A school radio introduction about Ramadan 2022

In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, Muhammad, and all his family and companions. As for what follows, God has made a lot of things for man that can be exploited to reach God’s mercy and obedience, and he made the days of the year occasions and seasons of obedience. Take advantage of it with goodness to strengthen those ropes that connect the heart of the servant with God, and the month of Ramadan has come on the throne of those beautiful seasons that increase the faith of the Muslim. On making that large volume of memories, to raise them to the level that befits the breaths of this blessed month of virtue and happiness, which we will highlight through the paragraphs of our school radio in which colleagues talk about the month of Ramadan, so be with us, may God bless you once again, and peace And God’s mercy and blessings.

The date of the month of Ramadan in the year 2022

Do you know about the month of Ramadan for school radio?

It is considered one of the basic and important paragraphs in school radio, and it is organized and prepared by a colleague to present a number of important information within its distinctive lines, and in this we present to you the following information:

  • Did you know that Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar year, and Muslims fasted it for the first time during the second year of migration, and the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – fasted it nine times until his death in the tenth year of Hajj.
  • Did you know that the month of Ramadan is the only worshiper that has been excluded from the clear reward, for God has made the reward for the worship of fasting special for him alone, and he is the one who rewards it to the degree of sincerity, and he has made for the fasting people a door through which they enter heaven.
  • The holy month of Ramadan starts from being the month that God revealed by the Koran on the heart of his honorable messenger in Ghar Hira. A travel from another days, God wants you the left and does not want you to hard and to complete the kitten and to prepare God for what this guides and you will thank you ” [1].
  • Did you know that scientists have studied the side effects of fasting, and it was found that it is one of the means that helps protect the body from many diseases, most notably cancer.
  • Did you know that Tarawih prayer is one of the most basic features in the month of Ramadan, and it is the prayer that takes place after the evening prayer, and it is in the form of congregation in the mosque, and it is one of the supererogatory prayers and is not an obligation on the Muslim.

A word about the holy month of Ramadan 2022

This word carries between its lines many important flashes about this blessed month, and it is adopted in many cultural events, occasions and others, and the most prominent of what may be said in it:

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you, may God bless you all, and praise be to God who has reached the month of Sha’ban, and has honored us by reaching the blessed month of Ramadan, for it is from God’s mercy to people that He informs them of good deeds and seasons of obedience in which they pray to Him. As one of the most prominent months of the year in which wages are multiplied and good deeds are increased, and good deeds multiply, it is a month with a distinctive faith-like character, in which healthy hearts are keen to seize its benefits, so we do not leave Ramadan as we entered, because it is the school from which we learn a lot of what we need, In addition to taking advantage of the goodness on the Night of Power, which is equivalent in its worship to the worship of a thousand months, it is one of the blessed nights that God has bestowed upon people.

School radio poetry about Ramadan 2022

This paragraph receives wide attention, because poetry is the language of the distinctive Arabic language that has long been present in describing great occasions, and we listen to that paragraph in the words of a colleague, so he should come to the school radio platform, with thanks:

Ramadan has come, O people of understanding ### So receive it after a long absence of a year that has passed in our life in heedlessness ### So be aware that age is a shadow of clouds and prepare for patience and hardship ### So the wages of those who are patient without the account of God will reward the fasting because they ### For his sake they ridiculed every hardship that does not enter Ar-Rayyan is only a fasting person ### Honor the door of fasting in the gates, and the Lord protects them from the sea of ​​their day ### The wind of poisons and the evil of every torment, and they watered the nectar of Salsabeel in their temperament ### From ginger that surpassed every drink

Ramadan Calendar 1443 / 2022

School radio information about Ramadan 2022

Many people are interested in learning about important information related to the month of Ramadan for adoption in the school radio segments that deal with that important occasion. We have chosen for you a number of important information, which are:

  • Sincere repentance is one of the most important matters that must be embraced before Ramadan. It is not permissible for a person to continue with his sins amid those Ramadan faith whiffs, for it is the month of goodness and great righteousness.
  • The month of Ramadan is the beginning of forgiveness, the middle of it is mercy, and the end of it is liberation from the fire, meaning that the whole month of Ramadan is good and a blessing from God Almighty. And the last of it is freedom from the fire.”
  • The Laylat al-Qadr that the last ten of Ramadan is one of the blessed nights, which is better than a thousand months based on the saying of God in Surah Al-Qadr: “The night of fate is better than a thousand months * early dawn.” [2].
  • God, the Majestic and the Most High, has enjoined upon Muslims fasting this month in the second year of migration, and this means that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – only fasted Ramadan nine times in his life, until he died – the blessings and peace of my Lord be upon him – in the eleventh year of migration.
  • The Muslim must fulfill a number of conditions, in order to guarantee victory and salvation in the month of Ramadan.
    • That the fasting Muslim be an adult and sane.
    • Fulfillment of the condition of Islam, because it is the worship of the Muslim only.
    • to be a non-traveler.
    • That he has the ability to fast, as there is no disease in his body, so fasting negatively affects his health.
    • A woman is required not to be in her menstruation or postpartum period.
    • Completion is required.

Thoughts of a school radio about Ramadan 2022

Those thoughts that deal with the month of goodness and mercy are sweetened in their distinctive letters, as these letters express the value and virtue of this blessed month, and draw in their letters many distinct feelings, and what was said:

  • The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of goodness and mercy that hearts yearn for as the most prominent guest of the year, so this month of the Muslim person deserves a lot of attention and care. Happy New Year.
  • God, as You have honored us, that we have reached the month of Ramadan, honor us in it with pardon and forgiveness, and do not remove us from it unless you have forgiven us the past and what is late, O Most Merciful of the merciful. Happy new year, dear good company.
  • Only Ramadan is able to bring together the scattered hearts and reunite loved ones, alone it is overflowing with feelings of goodness and blessings from God Almighty, to fall on human hearts as if it were one of the blessed gifts from God to his Muslim servants.
  • The month of Ramadan is the month of making beautiful memories that will last forever. Human memory is unable to delete any of the details of Ramadan, or those beautiful family sessions in Ramadan.
  • In the month of Ramadan, good deeds flock to hearts from all sides, and spaces and joys expand, because whoever obeys God in this world, God obeys him with feelings of joy and happiness at every step.

Question and answer for school radio about Ramadan

It is considered one of the main paragraphs that are treated with great enthusiasm by the students, as one of them prepares that paragraph and delivers it on the school radio, to overflow with its information to everyone, and it says:

  • Question: How many years did the Messenger of God set in Ramadan throughout his life? Answer: He fasted for 9 years from the beginning of the obligatory fast until his death, that is, nine of Ramadan.
  • Question: What is the Islamic ruling on eating during the first call to prayer of dawn? Answer: The legal ruling is the permission for a Muslim to eat food at the first call to prayer because it serves as a warning to Muslims.
  • Question: Is it permissible for a Muslim not to fast in Ramadan, and what are the medical conditions for which this is allowed? Answer: It is permissible for many Muslims not to fast according to specific conditions and rules for each case. As for the sick cases, they are when the Muslim suffers from a disease that fears that his owner will perish if he fasts, or he experiences severe hardship that is usually unbearable.
  • Question: What are the other duties that must be done and adhered to besides fasting during the month of Ramadan? The answer: prayer, reading the Qur’an, upholding the ties of kinship, charity.
  • Question: Does the boy before puberty get a reward for performing the worship of fasting? before it is imposed on it? Answer: Yes, he will receive a double reward, God willing, and the reward is not limited to him only, but also to his parents who encouraged him to fast.

Talk about the month of Ramadan for school radio

There are many prophetic hadiths that dealt with the month of Ramadan in its lines, where the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – stressed the importance of this month, and stressed the need to take advantage of its benefits, and what came:

  • The Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “God, the Exalted, the Majestic, said: Every deed of the son of Adam is for him except fasting, for it is for Me and I will reward for it, and fasting is a shield. I am a fasting person, and by the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad, what comes out of the mouth of the fasting person is better in God’s sight on the Day of Resurrection than the scent of musk, and the fasting person has two joys that make him happy: If he breaks his fast, he rejoices with his fast, and if he meets his profit in their fasting.”[3]
  • The Messenger of God – may the prayers and peace of my Lord be upon him – said: “There is a gate in Paradise called Al-Rayyan, through which those who fast will enter on the Day of Resurrection, and none of them will enter with them, who is the one who is asleep? They will enter from it, and when the last of them enters, it is closed, and no one enters from it.” [4]

The conclusion of a school radio about Ramadan 2022

Here, dear teachers and students, we have reached the conclusion of the morning school radio for today, during which we talked about the value and virtue of this blessed month, and we moved with the paragraphs of fellow students to listen to the most important information about the month of Ramadan, and the most prominent things that came in this Ramadan occasion from Holy letters in the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet, where the students provided a number of important information and basic paragraphs that would increase our culture and our knowledge of the importance and necessity of seizing the good that exists between the lines and days of the month of Ramadan.

Here we come, dear reader, to the conclusion of the article in which we included an introduction to a school radio about Ramadan 2022 and moved with its lines to talk about the most prominent paragraphs about the month of Ramadan for the school radio 2022, to finally conclude with the conclusion devoted to school radio in the month of Ramadan.

خاتمة لموضوعنا مقدمة إذاعة مدرسية عن رمضان 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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