The sayings of Imam Ali, may God be pleased with him, are searched by many people, for Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, has very many sayings. According to what was narrated about him in the books of history and hadith, and we will know his words and poems in this article.
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib
He is Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Abi Talib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi. He was born in 599 CE, that is, 23 years before the Hijrah. He is the cousin of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he is the son-in-law of the Messenger of God and the husband of his daughter Fatimah al-Zahra, may God be pleased with her. And the fourth of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, his birth was in the hollow of the Kaaba in Mecca, and his mother was Fatima bint Asad, the Hashemite. He was the first of the boys to embrace Islam, and believed in the invitation of the Messenger of God. He slept in the Prophet’s bed when he migrated to Medina, and migrated three days after the Prophet’s migration. The Messenger of God fraternized himself with himself, and Ali bin Abi Talib participated in all the battles of the Messenger, except for the battle of Tabuk, in which the Prophet succeeded him in Medina. Politician, he was martyred by Abd al-Rahman bin Muljam in the year 40 AH.[1]
Sayings of Imam Ali
The tongue of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, did not utter anything but wisdom and correctness, for he was a wise man who understood matters in their correct manner, and brought them down to their rightful place. Imam Ali as follows:
But I fear for you two things: prolonged hope, and following desires, for prolonged hope makes one forget the Hereafter, and following desires turns away from the truth.
Be among people like a bee in its flight, there is nothing of a bird except that it weakens it, and if the bird knew what blessing is in its hollows, they would not do that with it.
O people, asceticism is the shortness of hope, gratitude when blessings, and piety when forbidden.
Know that this Qur’an is the adviser who does not deceive, the guide who does not mislead, the modernizer who does not lie, and no one sits with this Qur’an except what he has done for him, an increase or a decrease, an increase in guidance, and a decrease in blindness, and know that after the Qur’an there is no need for anyone after the Qur’an. And there is no rich person before the Qur’an, so seek healing from your medicine, and seek help with it for your distress, for in it is a cure for the greatest disease, which is unbelief, hypocrisy, transgression and misguidance. Likewise, and know that he is an intercessor and an intercessor, and a certified saying, and that whoever intercedes for him in the Qur’an on the Day of Resurrection will be validated.
Inability is a scourge, patience is courage, asceticism is wealth, piety is a shield, and the best companion is contentment, knowledge is a generous inheritance, and literature is a rejuvenating solution, and thought Gladness is the rope of affection, endurance is the grave of faults, whoever is pleased with himself is more discontented with him, charity is a cure for acquiring brotherhood, and he is more incapable of it than he who loses it from among them.
The most beautiful sayings of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib
Ali bin Abi Talib had sayings and rulings that show his correct mind, and among the sayings of Imam Ali, peace be upon him:
- If you see an oppressed, help him against the oppressor.
- With charity, hearts are possessed, with generosity, defects are hidden.
- With obedience there is victory, with disobedience there is misery.
- In the succession of adversity, the virtues of man appear.
- If you see in others reprehensible behavior, then avoid yourself like him.
- The ignorant is dead among the living.
- you and the prostitute; It makes the epilepsy and teaches the worker through it.
- If you are not a scientist, be an informed listener.
- The enemy of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is the one who disobeys God even if he is close to him.
- If you are humble, God will raise you up, and if you are arrogant, God will raise you up.
- You should compare the one with reason and religion, for he is the best of companions.
- He is content with humiliation who reveals his harm to others.
- Whoever obeys his imam has obeyed his Lord.
- That you spend your money in the side of God speeding back.
- A friend is not a friend until he protects his brother in three things: in his misfortune, his absence, and his death.
- I liken people to the prophets of God, I tell them to the truth and I make them patient in action.
- The most knowledgeable of people about Allah, Glory be to Him, has an issue.
- The world is a shirk that is fallen into by those who do not know it.
- The mind is to say what you know and do what you say.
- If you would like to be the happiest of people with what you know, then do it.
- But the pulpit is the one who insinuated hatred.
- God Almighty, with good intentions and good faith, admits whomever He wills of His servants to Paradise.
From the sayings of Imam Ali about knowledge and ignorance
The sayings of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, talked about knowledge. The Imam believed in the great importance of knowledge. Among his sayings that centered on knowledge are the following:
- “Do not despise a servant whom God has given knowledge, for God did not despise him when He gave him knowledge.”
- “If you sit in front of the world, be more careful to listen than you are to say, and learn to listen well as you learn to speak well, and do not interrupt anyone’s speech.”
- “There is no honor more honorable than knowledge.”
- “Every container is narrowed by what is placed in it, except for the container of knowledge, for it expands in it.”
- “How many people know knowledge and do not follow it.”
- “If the bearers of knowledge carried it with its right, God, His angels, and those who obey Him would have loved them from His creation, but they carried it to seek the world, so they hated God and humiliated people.”
- “The one who brings knowledge to someone other than its rightful person is unjust to him.”
- “The one who seeks knowledge is like a fighter in the cause of God.”
- “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, and how many believers go out of their homes to seek knowledge and do not return unless they are forgiven.”
- “The scholar who works without his knowledge is like the confused ignorant one who does not wake up from his ignorance, but the argument against him is greater, and the grief for him is more compelling, and he is with God to blame.”
- “Imitate the guidance of your Prophet, for it is the best guidance, and follow his Sunnah, for it is the most guided of the Sunnahs, and learn the Qur’an, for it is the best hadith, and understand it, for it is the spring of hearts, and seek healing from its light, for it is the healing of the breasts, and recite it well, for it is the most useful of stories.”
- “There is no good in knowledge that does not include understanding, is there no goodness in reading without contemplation, is there no goodness in worship that does not contain understanding.”
- “Do not make your knowledge ignorance and your certainty doubt. If you know, act, and if you are certain, advance.”
- “The whole world is ignorance except for the places of knowledge, and all knowledge is a proof except what is acted upon, and all action is hypocrisy except what is sincere, and sincerity is at risk until the servant looks at what is sealed for him.”
- “The four sciences are fiqh for religions, medicine for the bodies, grammar for the tongue and the stars to know the times.”
- “God did not take a covenant from the ignorant people asking for the clarification of knowledge until he took a covenant from the people of knowledge explaining the knowledge to the ignorant because knowledge precedes ignorance.”
From the sayings of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, about the world
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib knew the reality of the world and that it is a mortal home, so he abstained from it, and said many sayings about it, among which we mention the following:
- Whoever wrestled the world, his speed.
- Whoever was extravagant in seeking the world died poor.
- Whoever sought the world missed him.
- Whoever worked for the world lost.
- Whoever buys his hereafter in his life has lost them.
- If the mind of the people of the world to ruin the world.
- How many confident in the world have been devastated.
- Whoever lives his life ruins his destiny.
- How many a world has been destroyed by the world.
- Whoever was keen on the world perished.
- Everything in this world has an end and an end.
- Whoever is deceived by the world is deceived by semen.
- How many who have peace of mind in this world have lost him.
- Whoever is satisfied with the world misses the afterlife.
- Adversity was associated with the love of the world.
- In abstaining from the world, success is achieved.
- The arrogance of the world is crying out.
- In the world rest wretched.
- The ultimate goal is the yard.
- Divorce of the world is the dowry of Paradise.
- The health of the world is ailments, and its pleasure is pain.
- The minimum request is the head of sedition.
Imam Ali’s sayings about patience over affliction
Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, said many sayings about patience, among which we mention the following:
- “Patience with affliction is the supreme goal that many of the righteous predecessors advised us. Indeed, it was and still is one of the most powerful morals in our noble Sharia, and on all we proceed to provide you with the most beautiful ruling of Imam Ali on patience.”
- “Patience and contentment with God is the head of obedience to God, and whoever is patient and satisfied with God, whether He decrees what he likes or dislikes, God Almighty has not decreed for him what he likes or dislikes except what is best for him.”
- “He will not reap the reward until he succumbs to patience.”
- “Your patience with calamity eases sorrow and increases reward.”
- “And be patient, for patience is wide in times of distress.”
Imam Ali sayings about friend and brother
Imam Ali quotes and sayings about brotherhood, friendship and friend, among which we mention the following:
- Do not combine treason and brotherhood.
- No brotherhood for Melol.
- Do not wish to accompany a non-polite person.
- With fairness outlasts fraternity.
- Do not settle for friendship with a non-literate person.
- Mavzt brothers with such sympathy.
- From the blessings of the faithful friend.
- From the smallness of envy the friend over the grace.
- Whoever dnt his concern, do not accompany him.
- He who could not bear the slips of a friend died alone.
- Whoever discusses the Brotherhood, say his friend.
- Whoever digs a well for his brother, God will cause him to fall into it.
- He who does not have a friend, does not save him.
- Whoever has no brothers has no family for him.
- The longer the companionship, the stronger the love.
The poetry of Imam Ali, peace be upon him
In addition to the sayings that are overflowing with wisdom, it is necessary to mention verses from the poetry of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and they are very many, for Ali’s tongue was overflowing with poetry and wisdom, and the following is a mention of some of Ali bin Abi Talib’s poems, peace be upon him:
- The poem of Muhammad the Prophet, my brother and brother-in-law:
مُحَمَدٌ النَّبيُّ أَخَ وصَهري وَحَمَةُزَ سَيِّدِ الشُهداءِ عَمّي
وَجَعفَرٌ الَّذي يُضحيَ وَيُمسي يَطيرُ مَعَ المَلائِكَةِ ابِنَمأُي
وَبِنتُ مُحَمَّدٍ سَكَني وَعُرسي مَشوبٌ لَحمُها بِدَمي وَلَحمي
And the two tribes of Ahmad and my two sons are from it, so who among you has a share as mine?
A young boy I preceded you to Islam as long as I reached the time of my dream
َنا البَطَلُ الَّذي لَن تُنكِرَوهُ لِيَومِ كَريهَةٍ وَلِيَومِ سِلمِ
The Messenger of God made his rule over you obligatory for me on the day of Ghadir Khum.
- Poem: “No, O Messenger of God, I hope:
Except, O Messenger of God, you were hopeful, and you were righteousness towards us, and you were not ungrateful.
كَأَنَّ عَلى قَلبي لِذِكرِ مُحَمَّد وَما جاءَ مِن بَعدِ النَبِيِّ المَكاويا
أَفاطِمَ صَلَّى اللَهُ رَبُّ مُحَمَّدٍ عَلَ جَدَثٍ أَمسى بِيَثرِبَ ثاويا
فَدىً لِرَسولِ اللَهِ أُمي وَخالَتي وَعَمّي وَزَوجي ثُمَّ نَفسي وَخاليا
If the Lord of the Throne had kept you among us, we would be happy, but his matter would have been past.
Peace be upon you as a greeting, and you were admitted to Gardens of Eden, contented.
- Poem I am the one who called me my mother Haidara:
َّأََََََََََََّّّنينينينيأُأُأُأُأُأُ أُأُأَََُأُِِِِِِِِِ
عَبلُ الذِراعَينِ شَديدُ القِصَرَه كَلَيثِ غاباتٍ كَريهِ المَنظَرَه
I will kill you with the sword, I will strike you with a sword that will make clear the paragraph.
وَأَترُكُ القِرنَ بِقاعِ جُزُرِهِ أَضرِبُ بِالسَيفِ رِقابَ الكَفَرَه
Dismissed the Majesty of the Prophet (peace be upon him)
عقَرَة فَكُلَّهُم أَهلُ فُسوقٍ فَجَرَه
Thus, we have mentioned a group of Imam Ali’s sayings, peace be upon him, and from the rule of Imam Ali, which expresses a great personality brimming with intelligence, wisdom and rationality.