تقرير عن عمان والمواطنة العالمية

تقرير عن عمان والمواطنة العالمية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Report on Oman and Global Citizenship Within the framework of strengthening cooperation with international organizations and bodies, the Sultanate of Oman discussed with the UNESCO Regional Center for Education on International Understanding for the Asia-Pacific Region, ways to enhance the concept of global citizenship and achieve the seventh goal of UNESCO. Through this article, the website will talk My articles on global citizenship in the Sultanate of Oman in detail.

Introduction to a report on Oman and global citizenship

The expansion of globalization has led to the individual’s affiliation from the national level to the international level. Global citizenship is a very important means for students in universities, and it is worth noting that there is little information about how to integrate it in the universities of the Arab world, and some of them confirm this in their policies, and recently In the interpretation and implementation of global citizenship education at the undergraduate level at Sultan Qaboos University, and a training course entitled Global Citizenship Education in the 2018-2019 academic year, the Sultanate of Oman seeks to reach a strong society led by education, effective global citizenship and coexistence with multiple cultures.[1]

Report on Oman and Global Citizenship

The Sultanate of Oman is a developing country that reformed its educational system in 1998 in order to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, especially economic challenges. The strengthening of national identity and the development of a sense of global citizenship were among the priorities of the new educational reform, and to explore the current provision of aspects of global citizenship education in Omani schools, Determining the current practices implemented by Omani schools to help Omani students develop a sense of effective global citizenship, and Omani education is not centered around the homeland because it aims to develop students who have global awareness, and use different curricula to develop a sense of global citizenship, as the Sultanate of Oman has agreed with UNESCO regarding The concept of global citizenship, and how to enhance and develop it for every Omani citizen.[2]

General information about the Sultanate of Oman

The Sultanate of Oman was known as the oldest independent country in the Arab world. The Sultanate of Oman is located in the eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It was the most powerful and influential country in the region during the nineteenth century, and it had strong ties to Britain, which controlled Zanzibar and other regions, and from It is worth noting that the Sultanate of Oman covers an area of ​​309,500 square kilometers. The Sultanate possesses a variety of topographical features, and is famous for having a huge number of indigenous Arabian horses, and frankincense and date palm trees live on its lands.

Recently, Oman’s moderate and independent foreign policy has sought to maintain good relations with all Middle Eastern countries, and Oman has become the main transit gateway to Qatar after several Gulf Arab states cut off sea routes to Qatar during Qatar’s diplomatic crisis in 2017.[3]

What was the first mosque built in Amman?

Define and explain the concept of global citizenship

Global citizenship is defined as social, political, environmental and economic actions, and is intended for individuals and societies who use global thinking on a global scale, knowing that people are members in many and diverse locations, including local and non-local, and they are passive individuals and influence isolated communities, and global citizenship allows individuals By adopting their social responsibility in sustainable development, the term global citizenship was included in the Sustainable Development Goals, which is the fourth goal, which provides for ensuring inclusive and quality education for all and promoting lifelong learning.[4]

Private universities and colleges in the Sultanate of Oman

How global citizenship was introduced to the Sultanate of Oman

The Omani education policy imposes on schools the care of active citizens, who possess and enjoy good characteristics to achieve a good future. After the agreement with UNESCO, aspects of joint cooperation emerged between the Ministry through attention to the concept of global citizenship, and striving to achieve the primary goal of concern for global citizenship and the promotion of sustainable development, which Teaching students an awareness of the interconnectedness of people, communities, and environments around the world. Global citizenship programs in Oman stimulate students’ knowledge, interest in their skills, attitudes and values, and effective schools rely on real-world experiences between cultures that deepen students’ understanding of the world and their place in it.[5]

Fundamentals and principles of global citizenship

The principles of global citizenship education are among the things that should contribute to the public interest, by training more global citizens on cultural awareness, and in the following points a set of global citizenship principles with a simplified explanation:[6]

  • Responsibility for understanding one’s perspective, and understanding others’ perspectives on global issues.
  • Respecting the principle of cultural diversity to build a sustainable global community based on values.
  • Understand the ways in which the peoples and countries of the world relate to and depend on one another.
  • Calling for greater international cooperation with other countries, and urging greater international cooperation.
  • Responsibility in advocating for the implementation of international conventions and treaties related to global issues.

Conditions for obtaining global citizenship

Global citizenship is freedom from the constraints that bind individuals to a single state and government. As an individual becomes a global citizen, he can discover more opportunities for global citizenship, mitigate the risks of political instability, and requirements for global citizenship are as follows:[7]

  • Recognition of the universal part of an individual’s personality.
  • Discover the values ​​of a global community and preserve the world’s cultural diversity.
  • Explore new ways to advocate for global change.
  • Helping ensure that your country’s foreign policy promotes universal values.
  • Participation in organizations that work to build a global community.
  • The impact of everyday lifestyles and behaviors on sustainable global development.

The Arabian Peninsula is located in the southwest of the continent

What qualities should a global citizen have?

A global citizen is an individual who understands the world and has a sense of his role in it, respects and values ​​diversity and must take responsibility for their actions and interactions with members of their local communities and societies abroad, and must possess certain qualities in order to become global citizens. The most important of these qualities are the following:[8]

  • To be a creative, flexible and dedicated individual.
  • Participation as members of the international community.
  • Commitment to building on this community in a meaningful and positive manner.
  • Develop skills related to problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.
  • Learning to understand efforts to achieve social development goals.

The Green Mountain is located in.. the location of the Green Mountain in particular

Objectives of global citizenship related to education

Global citizenship education is UNESCO’s response to these challenges. Global citizenship is a form of civic learning. UNESCO organized two forums on global citizenship learning. A set of goals related to global citizenship education were reached, including the following:[9]

  • To impart knowledge, skills, values ​​and attitudes necessary to help promote tolerance, equality and peace in the world.
  • Sense of global citizenship on political, economic, social and cultural interdependence.
  • Understand the structures of global, national and local citizenship and the rights, duties and responsibilities of each citizen.
  • Recognize, respect and value multiple differences and identities.
  • Gain the ability to make decisions and use problem-solving methods and tools.
  • Learn about biodiversity, climate change, migration, and poverty.

Elements of global citizenship

Global citizenship has existed throughout history as a radical alternative to the shortcomings of the nation-state system. This social transformation is illustrated by references to the activities of global social movements as well as the activities of individual citizens. The elements of citizenship include:[10]

  • The civil component: It is represented in the citizen’s freedom to think and express his personal opinion, the freedom to follow religion, and to focus attention on the rights of people.
  • The political component: that global citizens feel their political duty. Political identities are fluent, socially and pragmatically constructed, and draw on a variety of experiences.
  • The social component: the attitudes related to human rights and the just and equitable treatment of all human beings.
  • Cultural component: Appreciating cultural diversity and demonstrating interest and loyalty to the diverse cultures of the world.

Concepts of global citizenship in teaching courses

Global citizenship is defined as achieving the goal of societies for UNESCO, and focusing on developing social and emotional learning skills. Education policies around the world have focused on assessing students, making them future citizens and teaching them the skills of self-regulation and behavior, and achieving the concepts of citizenship are as follows:[11]

  • Achieving the goal of sustainable and peaceful societies through a digital curriculum on global citizenship education.
  • Providing schools with an alternative educational approach with an emphasis on providing space for individual reflection and collaboration.
  • Integrate the knowledge, skills and thinking necessary to understand the world and its complexities.
  • Focus on disposition, performance, practicality and commitment.
  • Promote the international curriculum.
  • Finding the causes of conflict and violence

Citizenship in the curriculum

Global citizenship nurtures respect and tolerance for others, and increases global awareness and empathy. Never before have people been more connected or interdependent. There are ways to introduce a global perspective and demonstrate global citizenship in the curriculum:[12]

  • Giving students the opportunity to teach others their cultures and perspectives.
  • Presenting global perspectives through history.
  • Creating the appropriate atmosphere in the educational entity, openness, honesty and transparency among students.
  • Empowering students through English, it is a lingua franca in modern times.
  • Learning through others through language activities.

How to register for the unified admission in the Sultanate of Oman

Conclusion of a report on Oman and global citizenship

The use of different approaches to develop a sense of global citizenship in the Sultanate of Oman is important and necessary, as it addresses the relationship between global citizenship and the Sultanate of Oman and a national goal and ambition, as students must be aware of the world around them, and equipped with the necessary skills to communicate with it, and that students have a sense of The educational literature of global citizenship, and schools are the most important providers of global services.

Global citizenship and its place in countries

Global citizenship has a general definition of recognizing the interdependence of life, respecting cultural diversity and human rights, advocating for global social justice, Establishing global citizenship in the Asia Pacific Center by the International Bureau and UNESCO, presenting the results of an analysis of the implemented approaches, challenges and opportunities to promote global citizenship, The objective was to develop roadmaps to identify national priority areas that will guide implementation in local contexts, and to increase teacher awareness and advocacy on global citizenship for education.

The relationship between national curricula and local social and political contexts is illustrated by two examples, namely the impact of historical analysis of curricular development, and the country’s political changes in its education system. The four countries identified some similar challenges, including the lack of expertise in global citizenship topics, and the lack of trained teachers. and qualified curriculum developers, and has worked to form a global network to promote global citizenship through partnerships and organizations that align with its mission.[13]

Information about the Omani National Day

In this way, we come to the conclusion of our article, a report on Oman and global citizenship, which included in its content a report that includes a detailed explanation of global citizenship in the Sultanate of Oman, and a mention of the requirements of global citizenship.

the reviewer

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