زيت اللوز المر للوجه قبل النوم , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Bitter almond oil for the face before bedtime, searching for everything that benefits the health of the face and skin is the concern of all women and girls, as the biggest trend has become to use natural materials and search for how to apply them to the skin and what are the benefits and also know the appropriate times to use each type and the correct way to prepare it for each The case and how to use it, and among the natural oils that have proven effective in treating skin problems, the bitter almond oil in particular, and through our next topic through the Arab reader’s website, the reference site, we will discuss in our conversation the therapeutic and aesthetic benefits of sweet almond oil and the most important benefits of bitter almond oil for the face and ways to use it .
What is the use of bitter almond oil?
Bitter almond oil is made from the kernels of bitter almonds, as it differs from sweet almond oil that is derived from another type of almond plant. It has a variety of health benefits and is useful in treating the following conditions:[1]
- Muscle spasms, bacterial infections and fungal infections.
- Treating pain and digestive problems.
- Cough treatment.
- Laxative and diuretic.
- Its fatty acid content helps maintain cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Maintains the level of blood pressure in the body.
- Due to its multiple and powerful properties, it was used as a repellent for worms
- Fever treatment.
- bactericidal and fungicidal,
- calming.
- Narcotics and anticonvulsants.
- Helps diuresis.
- Antitoxin.
- Protects from cancer.
Bitter almond oil for the face before bed
Almond oil is one of the natural oils recommended by cosmetic experts to maintain daily hydration, softness and freshness of the skin, so it is necessary to put some drops and put them on the face with distribution in a circular motion, and this method can be maintained on a daily basis before bedtime, be the night skin care routine.
What nutrients does almond oil contain?
There are two types of almond oil: sweet and bitter, and sweet almond oil is preferred to be used on the skin, as it contains the following nutrients:[2]
- Vitamin A: The retinol in Vitamin A stimulate the production of new skin cells and eliminate fine lines.
- Vitamin E: It contains a high percentage of antioxidants that protect cells from damage and protect against UV damage to the skin due to excessive exposure to sunlight.
- Omega-3 fatty acids: These acids help prevent early signs of aging and protect against sun damage.
- Zinc: One of the important elements that treat some skin problems, the most important of which is acne or other facial scars, and it is worth noting that taking zinc orally is more effective in these cases.
See also: mustard oil benefits and uses for skin and hair
Benefits of bitter almond oil for the skin
Bitter almond oil offers amazing benefits for the skin, including:[2]
- A powerful treatment for stubborn circles under the eyes.
- It nourishes the skin because it is rich in a group of vitamins necessary for skin health, such as: vitamin E and vitamin B.
- Maintains skin moisture and prevents it from drying out.
- Treats skin infections.
- It rids the skin of the problem of blackheads.
- Rids the skin of fine lines.
- Delays the appearance of signs of aging and premature wrinkles.
- It prevents muscle spasms and helps to relax them.
- It treats the problem of irritation and redness of the skin and eliminates itching.
- It protects the skin from bacterial infection.
See also: the benefits of violet oil for hair
Benefits of bitter almond oil for eyelashes
Among the benefits of bitter almond oil is its use to lengthen eyelashes, as its vitamin content helps to nourish eyelashes, which increases its strength and leaves eyelashes healthy and long. In addition, it increases the vitality and luster of eyelashes, so it must be used regularly.[3]
Benefits of bitter almond oil for pregnant women
Research has confirmed the benefits and importance of almond oil for pregnant skin by applying it to the abdominal area with a massage for 15 minutes. It reduces the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy. It also increases skin hydration and reduces skin dryness during pregnancy. It can be used topically to massage the perineum and vaginal area. It helps in promoting blood flow to the area, increasing skin elasticity and helping the skin to stretch.[3]
See also: How to apply castor oil on eyelashes
How to use bitter almond oil for skin whitening
Bitter almond oil is used in more than one way to whiten the skin, as follows:
- The first method: A few drops are placed on the face before bed, gently massaged into the skin, left for half an hour, and then washed with warm water. It is preferable to do this method every day.
- The second method: We mix a tablespoon of bitter almond oil with a teaspoon of moisturizing cream with half a cup of rose water, add a teaspoon of powdered milk to them, stir the ingredients and apply the mixture to the area to be bleached, leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- The third method: we mix a teaspoon of lavender oil with a teaspoon of bitter almond oil and distribute the mixture on the skin before bedtime and leave for a quarter of an hour c, then rinse the skin with warm water.
Mixtures with bitter almond oil for skin and body
Bitter almond oil can be used for the skin and body by preparing some of the following mixtures:
Bitter almond oil mixture and oil group
the ingredients
- We add an amount of bitter almond oil in an empty bottle to reach three quarters of the bottle.
- Then add five drops of cinnamon oil.
- Five drops of rose oil.
- The amount of a teaspoon of frankincense oil.
- The amount of a teaspoon of lupine oil.
How to use
- Shake the bottle well to mix the oils.
- Distribute the mixture on the skin and body, leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Bitter almond oil and Vaseline for skin and body
It is well known the importance and benefits of Vaseline and its uses for the skin, and it can be mixed with bitter almonds to prepare a mixture for skin and body care by following the steps of the following method:
the ingredients:
- 1 tablespoon of glycerin
- 1 tablespoon of Vaseline
- A tablespoon of bitter almond oil.
How to prepare and use:
- Mix the above ingredients together well.
- Apply the mixture to the body and skin immediately after showering.
- Leave on the skin until completely absorbed.
See also: Best Oil Alternative for Curly Hair
The benefits of bitter almond oil for the sensitive area
Among the amazing benefits of bitter almond oil is its benefits for the sensitive area, as it can be used safely to lighten this area, by mixing it with a similar amount of lavender oil and orange oil and applying it to the sensitive area daily to get the best result, and beware of using bitter almond oil. For the inner area only after consulting the doctor first.[3]
Benefits of sweet almond oil for the face
Although there are a lot of experiments and studies about determining the benefits of almond oil, there is some scientific evidence that may confirm the benefits of using almond oil on the skin. Despite this, there are some clinical trials and anecdotal evidence, which confirmed the following benefits of almond oil on the skin, which are as follows:[5]
- Almond oil’s anti-inflammatory content helps reduce puffiness and under-eye circles.
- It may help reduce skin swelling.
- Almond oil has moisturizing properties and improves skin tone as well.
- It treats dry skin, as it has been used for long periods in the treatment of some skin diseases that affect the skin, such as eczema and psoriasis.
- Treats acne, because the fatty acids in the oil help get rid of excess fat on the skin, and the percentage of retinoids in almond oil prevents acne and works to rejuvenate skin cells.
- Protects the skin from sun damage because almond oil contains vitamin E, which in turn reduces damage to the skin due to exposure to ultraviolet rays.
- Reduces the appearance of scars Almond oil has been used in both India and China in ancient times to treat scars.
- It works to soften the skin due to its vitamin E content.
- Reduces the appearance of stretch marks, and this was confirmed by a study conducted on almond oil in 2016, that almond oil is an effective treatment for stretch marks and helps prevent them from appearing.
Almond oil before bed for moist lips
The lips need special care because the skin of the lips is completely different from the skin of the rest of the other parts of the body, so it needs moisturizing and double care because it does not contain any sebaceous glands to moisturize it, and the thickness of the facial skin is 16 layers, while the thickness of the skin of the lips is only 3-5 layers, so You need separate care and additional hydration, and superior lip care can be obtained in a natural and safer way by using almond oil because it is rich in vitamin A, E, and K and antioxidants that keep lips moisturized and protect them from drying out. Sweet almond oil can be used for lips by mixing A spoon of honey with a spoon of almond oil and put it inside the refrigerator and used by putting a little of it on a daily basis on the lips before bedtime.[4]
See also: My Experience with Trichup and Kishore Oil
The best way to use almond oil for the face before bedtime
There are many recipes for using sweet almond oil before bed, including the following:
Sweet almond oil and vitamin E recipe for freshness and softness of the skin
the ingredients:
- 2 teaspoons sweet almond oil (after warming it slightly)
- Two drops of vitamin E, and use a vitamin E capsule from the pharmacy.
How to prepare and use:
- We mix the ingredients together well.
- We clean the skin well with water.
- Distribute the mixture on the skin and massage in a circular motion.
- Leave the mixture on your skin for 15 minutes, then remove it using a clean tissue.
- It is also recommended to repeat the previous recipe two to three times every week.
Almond oil to get rid of dark circles
One of the most important benefits of sweet almond oil is to eliminate stubborn dark circles under the eyes. To achieve this, the following steps can be followed:
the ingredients:
- A teaspoon of sweet almond oil.
- A teaspoon of honey.
How to prepare and use:
- Mix the two ingredients together.
- Distribute the mixture on the dark circles area and leave it for a whole night.
- Rinse the eyes with cold water in the morning.
- It is recommended to repeat this method on a daily basis at night to completely get rid of the problem of dark circles.
See also: the benefits of sesame oil for coarse hair
Sweet almond oil recipe for fattening the face
Some women and girls suffer from the thinnest face. Among the cosmetic benefits of sweet almond oil is that it helps in a safe way to fatten the face, and this can be obtained by following the steps of the following recipe:
Sweet almond oil and ground fenugreek mask
the ingredients:
- One tablespoon of sweet almond oil.
- A teaspoon of rose oil.
- A tablespoon of ground fenugreek.
- A teaspoon of yeast.
How to prepare and use:
- Mix all ingredients well.
- We clean the skin first.
- Spread it on clean skin and leave it for 30 minutes.
- Wash the skin with lukewarm water.
- It is preferable to repeat the recipe daily before bed.
Sweet almond and avocado oil mask
the ingredients:
- A tablespoon of sweet almond oil.
- Half of an avocado mashed.
How to prepare and use:
- Add the oil to the avocado.
- Clean the skin first.
- Spread the mixture on clean skin and leave it for a quarter of an hour.
- Then rinse the face with cold water.
- To get the best result, it is recommended to repeat the recipe two to three times a week.
See also: Sweet almond oil’s therapeutic and aesthetic benefits
Does almond oil increase facial hair?
Almond oil is also used for hair, as it guarantees many health benefits for hair, as it helps maintain a healthy scalp and works to strengthen hair follicles, in addition to containing a neutral pH that helps fight scalp diseases that cause hair loss and weak hair such as dandruff. And dryness, almond oil, as we have already known, contains a high percentage of antioxidants that repair damaged hair resulting from excessive styling, exposure to the sun and other environmental stresses, in addition to that, it maintains the elasticity and shine of hair to stop its fall.[1]
Bitter almond oil side effects
There are some known risks associated with using almond oil on the skin, including:
- You should do a skin sensitivity test for almond oil before using it to ensure that there is no allergic reaction.
- People with sensitive skin should test for several days to give the body more time to respond.
- People who are allergic to nuts should never use almond oil.
- People who suffer from eczema should not use almond oil to exacerbate their allergy problem.
- No harm to pregnant women has been confirmed from using almond oil so far.
At the conclusion of our topic, we hope that we have clarified all the information related to our previous topic entitled Bitter Almond Oil for the face before bed. We also learned about the benefits and use of sweet almond oil for the face and sensitive area and its benefits for hair and skin as well.
خاتمة لموضوعنا زيت اللوز المر للوجه قبل النوم ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.