في نهاية مقالنا فوائد حبوب الفحم للكرش ,رضت أفكار تجاه هذا الموضوع بكلمات من ذهب، حيث استعنت باللغة العربية التي تتضمن العديد من العبارات والمفردات الناجزة، مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
What are charcoal pills?
- People use charcoal pills in their daily lives more frequently in the hopes that they will benefit from its powerful detoxifying qualities, but should you really eat it? This article will examine and highlight the health risks and benefits of activated charcoal, and learn how to use it safely.
- Charcoal used in medicine is different from the briquettes you throw on the grill to grill your food. Charcoal grains (sometimes called activated carbon) are made from natural materials such as wood, charcoal or coconut shells, but charcoal grains are processed so that they can be used for medicinal purposes.
- Charcoal pills can be found in different forms. You may see it sold as capsules or powdered activated charcoal. The substance has small pores that allow it to trap certain toxins or chemicals and prevent them from being absorbed in the digestive system.
- There are many different ways that medical professionals and consumers use charcoal, and there are some uses that are backed by scientific evidence, but in many cases the evidence is mixed, so you might see one study supporting the use of charcoal pills for a specific condition, but another study finding a completely different result.
- Unfortunately, there are also some common uses for activated charcoal that are absolutely not supported by any scientific data.
- Since the product is used by medical professionals, it may be tempting to think that charcoal pills have the ability to soothe your stomach, whiten your teeth, or offer other health benefits.
- Since charcoal pills are considered a safe product for most adults to use, you may be tempted to give it a try, but remember that taking activated charcoal capsules or powder can change the way your body absorbs food and medications so always talk to your doctor before taking this or any supplement.
The importance of charcoal grains
- Charcoal grain is a by-product of materials such as wood, coconut shells, or peat that are burned at high temperatures, and when carbon sources, such as wood, burn, they create small particles.
- The ultra-fine activated charcoal produced by this process can bind and absorb heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins due to its large surface area. You can also use charcoal pills topically on any porous surface such as the skin or internally through the digestive system.
- Charcoal pills can be taken in capsule, liquid or powder form, and since it is tasteless, it can be mixed into any non-acidic juice you prefer.
charcoal pills uses
Humans have been using charcoal pills for hundreds of years because of its ability to detoxify the body. In addition to detoxing in general, doctors have used charcoal pills to treat conditions, such as drug overdoses and poisoning, and to relieve symptoms of diseases such as diarrhea.
This is where many people wonder if charcoal pills really work, and did they become so popular because of good marketing or because of their effectiveness? Here we say that many studies have shown that charcoal pills help treat some health conditions, and the following are some of the benefits of medically tested charcoal pills:
- General Detoxification: Toxins from low-quality processed foods and environmental pollution are doing a lot of damage to your energy and contribute to brain fog and digestive problems.
- Chronic exposure to toxins causes cellular damage, allergic reactions, weakened immunity and rapid aging, and regular use of charcoal can remove unwanted toxins from your body so you can feel better quickly.
- Charcoal pills work through the digestive system by trapping toxins in the gut and preventing them from being absorbed. Charcoal pills remain in the body until they are passed in the stool along with toxins including bacteria and drugs that stick to them.
- Hospital and emergency room staff sometimes use charcoal pills to counteract overdoses of poisoning, and if they can treat the patient before the toxin enters the bloodstream, charcoal pills may be effective.
- However, many people who are hospitalized from ingesting a toxic substance will absorb enough of the substance before they arrive at the hospital.
Charcoal and aging pills
- Anti-aging is one of the benefits of charcoal pills, as activated charcoal may have powerful anti-aging properties and early studies show that it may prevent many of the cellular changes associated with aging, and one study in rodents showed that activated charcoal increased the average lifespan of older test animals by About 34 percent.
Uses of charcoal pills for human health
- Supports heart health: Charcoal pills may also lower cholesterol levels. In a preliminary study, seven patients with high cholesterol who took 8 grams of activated charcoal three times a day showed a 25% reduction in total cholesterol.
- They also lowered bad cholesterol (LDL) by 41% and increased good cholesterol (HDL) by 8%.
- Teeth whitening: Some consumers buy charcoal powder for a brighter smile, but according to the Dental Association, consumers should not use abrasive cleaners to whiten their teeth.
- Where the dental organization says that you may cause your teeth to become more yellow, instead, they recommend using whitening toothpaste so you know you are getting a safe and effective product.
- Detoxification from drugs or alcohol: According to the National Institutes of Health, charcoal pills are most likely to be effective when used as a standard measure to treat poisoning.
My experience with charcoal pills for colon and various diseases
- Water filtration: Activated carbon filters sell for hundreds of dollars online and in stores, while charcoal filters can effectively dilute drinking water from certain substances such as chlorine and unpleasant odors.
- But activated carbon filters are not effective at trapping and filtering all harmful substances, for example, activated charcoal cannot filter out ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, or large amounts of some heavy metals.
- Lower cholesterol: Studies have been contradictory regarding the use of charcoal to treat high cholesterol. Some studies have shown that eating 4 to 32 grams per day of charcoal pills can help reduce total and LDL cholesterol.
- But other studies have shown no benefit at all, as the research suggests that it is inconclusive regarding the effectiveness of oral charcoal pills for lowering cholesterol levels.
- Prevention of gas, flatulence, heartburn or indigestion: Research from the University of Michigan suggests that supplementing with charcoal pills may provide some relief from gas because it can bind to intestinal gas and eliminate it from the body.
- Charcoal pills have been shown to be effective in reducing intestinal gas, bloating and abdominal cramps, and in one particular study, charcoal pills won against many medications and effectively reduced symptoms of abdominal cramps and flatulence.
- Diarrhea treatment: Activated charcoal can also treat diarrhea by preventing bacteria from being absorbed into the body.
- But according to the Centers for Disease Control, there is no strong evidence to support the use of charcoal pills to treat diarrhea or related stomach problems, and again the WHO specifically warns against using the supplement to treat dehydrated children because it may prevent the absorption of healthy nutrients.
- Decreased bile flow during pregnancy: Some studies support the use of charcoal pills to treat reduced bile flow (a condition called cholestasis) during pregnancy, but a more conclusive examination of the evidence concludes that there is not enough evidence to support its use.
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult their physician before taking charcoal pills or any dietary supplement.
- Treating Chronic Kidney Failure: The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) has published a study showing how combining charcoal pills with a low-protein diet can help treat kidney disease.
- After nearly a year of using charcoal pills, many patients had lower blood urea and creatinine levels.
Risks and side effects of taking charcoal pills
- Charcoal pills are generally considered safe when taken by most healthy adults for a short period of time, however, because the product blocks the absorption of both good and bad chemicals, taking the product with healthy foods may prevent the absorption of healthy vitamins and minerals.
- The most common side effects of consuming charcoal pills include black stools and constipation, while some users also experience a darkening of the tongue if they take the powder.
- So people taking over-the-counter medications should talk to their doctor before using the product as it may block the charcoal pills or change the way your body absorbs the medication and may alter the effectiveness of your treatment.
- Additionally, people with certain medical conditions should be especially careful when taking charcoal pills.
- Medical experts recommend that patients with intestinal obstruction should not use charcoal pills at all as in rare cases, charcoal pills may cause slowed or obstructed intestinal motility, lung problems, and dehydration.
The right dose of activated charcoal
- Dosages vary depending on a person’s condition or symptoms, since for a hospital GI cleanse, doctors may prescribe anywhere from 50 to 100 grams.
- For intestinal gas, the dose can range from 500 to 1,000 mg per day, and a daily dose of less than 4 to 32 grams is recommended to lower cholesterol levels.
- Some doctors or naturopaths may prescribe charcoal pills to be taken once or twice daily for detoxing purposes. Charcoal pills should be taken away from all foods, medications, and supplements you are taking.
- Your healthcare provider can give you a better idea of the appropriate dose, so don’t take charcoal pills without discussing it with your doctor.
- An overdose of charcoal is possible, but is not likely to be fatal. However, you should seek immediate medical attention if you think you have overdosed on charcoal pills and the overdose could manifest as an allergic reaction, vomiting, or severe pain in the abdomen. stomach.
Are charcoal pills safe?
Just like any other medication or supplement, there is always the possibility of side effects as consuming charcoal pills can cause side effects that you should be aware of. :
- constipation;
- black stools;
- Diarrhea.
- stomach pain.
- vomiting;
Consuming charcoal pills may also cause more serious side effects. Charcoal pills can cause a serious condition called aspiration, in which a person breathes in foreign matter, such as mucus and fluid into the lungs. This can be a serious medical condition and requires immediate medical attention.
Charcoal pills can also cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, and drinking a full glass of water when taking an activated charcoal pill, capsule or tablet can help you avoid dehydration.
Furthermore, activated charcoal can prevent the body from absorbing the medications the body needs, as some medications may interact negatively with charcoal pills, including:
- Antidepressants.
- Morphine.
- hydrocodone;
- naltrexone;
- tapentadol;
- meclizine.
- acetaminophen;
This list of medications is not exhaustive so your healthcare professional can tell you whether it’s a good idea to take charcoal pills based on your current medications.
Benefits of charcoal pills for the rumen
- It has also been shown that consuming charcoal pills helps some people with high cholesterol by lowering levels of bad cholesterol.
- Studies around the world have shown that the benefits of charcoal pills are equal to those of prescription cholesterol drugs.
- Moreover, it has been proven that the use of charcoal pills increases the proportion of good cholesterol in the body while reducing the proportion of bad cholesterol by 25% in just four weeks, which contributes to a significant reduction in weight and elimination of rumen.
How to use charcoal pills?
- Charcoal bean powder may be beneficial when applied topically as charcoal works by binding to dead skin cells, bacteria, and dirt that may be on the surface of the skin.
- Skin care products with charcoal pills are popular for this reason and can come in the form of face washes, face masks, moisturizers, and body washes. Today, you can find charcoal powder in deodorant and toothpaste as well.
- Charcoal deodorant can draw out bacteria and odors while charcoal toothpaste can help remove yellowing.
- However, consuming charcoal orally is more dangerous than using it topically as not all supplements are of equal or equal quality so it is important to purchase and consume high quality charcoal powder, liquid or capsules.
- Some products contain additives that contain unhealthy chemicals, so try to find charcoal made from coconut or bamboo husks.
In the end, it can be said that there is no doubt that charcoal pills have health benefits, however, their degree of effectiveness is likely to vary from person to person on a case-by-case basis, so speaking with a doctor is always the best way to find out if medication is effective. Or the supplement is useful to you personally.
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