كلام جميل عن المطر 2022 اقوي عبارات كلام عن المطر جديدة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Beautiful words about rain 2022 The most powerful new words about rain, rain is a symbol of beauty, life, goodness, sadness and joy. The reference website is the strongest and most beautiful phrases about rain through a variety of titles about winter, rain, love, sadness, hope and other thoughts related to that magical weather, in addition to a prayer for rain, and ending with pictures about rain.
The most beautiful thoughts about rain 2022
Nature is the first source of inspiration for man since the beginning of creation, and rain is the most fascinating and surprising component of nature for man, so people sing about it and spun along the lines of its magic that conveys the most meaningful meanings, and from the beautiful thoughts that were said about rain:
Philosopher Wiz Khleifa said: Constant worry is a kind of foolishness, it is like always walking while carrying your umbrella for fear of rain.
As for the writer Anatole France, he said in the rain: It is not the pure hearts that avoid the rain, but the ones that carry umbrellas.
And from what William Shakespeare wrote in describing his beloved: You love the rain and carry an umbrella, you love the sun and hide in the shade, I am afraid that one day you will love me and I will see nothing but your shadows.
Likening criticism to rain, Frank Clark said: Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to fuel human growth without destroying its roots.
As for the writer Muhammad al-Maghout, he mentioned rain in his saying: I am in constant care and there is nothing wrong with it, the sun protects me from rain, rain from wandering, wandering from thieves, thieves from waste, the transportation crisis protects me from theatre.
Prayer of rain Glory be to the one who praises the thunder
Beautiful words about rain
And rain is a soul, and life for the soul, and a balm for every wounded person, and from it the meanings multiply. Here are some beautiful words about rain:
- When the rain falls, I feel that it touches my soul and quenches my heart, so it is weeds with hope and blossoms with love again.
- I and the rain are twins, we water and irrigate, and when people refrain from us, we drown them in anger or make them thirsty.
- O water of heaven, descend on my wound, water my days and water my joy, for the sake of life I live, and with all the madness I have been given, I sacrifice.
- Rain us, sky, and wash this air, and make the earth a garden when the loved ones come.
Phrases about rain and clouds 2021
Talk about rain and winter
Winter is the season of rain, so talking about rain is associated with mentioning winter and singing about its details. The following are a group of beautiful words about rain and winter:
- Of all the seasons I love winter, it is the rainy season, and rain is the object of renewed wonder.
- After every sadness, joy, and every fall and winter, God sends rain to wash our hearts and the air.
- I don’t like the flames of summer nor the fall of autumn, I like a winter that promises me a sweet life and a clean heart.
- The branches wash away the raindrops, and my soul erases the groans of life. Winter is two extremes of peace and danger.
- At the end of October, sad days pass, memories fall like leaves, and Kanon comes with rain and blooms despite the nose of the stone.
Words about love and winter
Winter is also associated with the romantic atmosphere. It is a symbol of love and longing. It is a reservoir of lovers’ memories. It waters their joys as well as encourages them in sorrow. In the following phrases are gentle words about love and winter:
- How does winter come away from you? You are my lover, the relief of my soul, and the water of my heart. I have no winter for my heart this year, for winter has settled in my eyes.
- Winter will be more beautiful this year, it will rain on us together and rain in our hearts with peace, and we will greet the Canon evenings with love and affection.
- My love, come with me in winter, we sing to the melody of heaven, for this rain is worthy of singing, and this calm and air prepares our souls for the beauty of the evening.
- You and I will water the orchards this winter, and from the depth of our souls the rain of the sky, I love you with every drop a thousand times, and all people are absent in your presence and all friends if you come as strangers.
The virtue of praying in the time of rain
Beautiful words about rain 2022
Rain is a world of meanings, the house of secrets of feelings, and its renewed charm always suggests more beauty, and its beauty tablets have no limits. The following are the most beautiful words about rain for 2022:
- Drop by drop, the rain fell on the ground, but it resounded from my heart.
- The strange thing is that the rain itself suggests to us life and joy and the coming spring when we are happy, but when we are sad, it only makes us cry.
- In moments of rain, memories are quenched before the earth and hearts before trees, as if in its drops the secret of fate. She held my heart in the winter when the sky rained, for I reminded her of all those who watered my heart and then became strangers.
- How wonderful rain is, it inspires all people with bliss, pats the shoulder of the weak and the orphan, and heals every painful wound in souls.
Beautiful words about rain
In the following set of sentences, there are beautiful and distinct words about rain:
- What a beautiful winter, when the earth bleeds to the sky, and carries its children to the spring, the tidings of Saad and a singing melody.
- Cloud after cloud Winter will come, and rain will fall on our souls, and as strangers become friends, so after him he will be covered in trees.
- Hold the rain, feel its drops, embrace it, not just water, but heaven’s messages to humans.
- The sweetest thing about rain is the beginning of it, in which the soul tends to love and sympathizes with it, and it moves the heart with longing and devotion.
Beautiful words about rain
The words about rain do not end, but are in constant renewal, and what can be said in the presence of rain:
- Like music, the rain fell, its melody is love, life and perfume, and in the mornings it has melody of singing, and at night it includes stories of staying up late.
- Rain is the secret of life, it is the messages of heaven to earth and the omens of happiness and the blooming of a new life on the lips of roses.
- Water is a chemical component by which the bodies live. As for rain, it is a divine gift by which the souls live.
- Look at the sky in the clear and you will find it far away. Only rain can make you feel that you are touching the sky without flying.
New thoughts, phrases and words about winter 2022
Beautiful phrases about rain 2022
It is a revelation of inexhaustible meanings, an endless space of feelings, and for rain weave words and phrases with it, and it is beautiful what can be said in the rain:
- It does not matter when the sky rains, the important thing is that our souls are fertile to be nourished by what you give, for the fertile soul does not dry up even if the rain dries up.
- And this giving has become ours, God’s giving is too much for us, on the heart, rain sustenance and love, with your goodness, O Lord, we are satisfied.
- Winter fell on me, so I held the revelation of heaven in my hands, and after the end of life, I found the heart returning as a boy.
- Every evening I gather from the window the raindrops, for I see them as pearls of water that soften the stone, make of every dead person alive, and gather with love all men.
The most beautiful phrases about rain
The music of rain is an extension of endless thought, inspiring beauty and magic. The following are wonderful phrases about rain written exclusively for the reference site:
- What does rain mean without the hand of a lover? And where does the soul get warmth unless the lovers kindle the fire of love in the cold of winter?
- Don’t give up, don’t you see the sky fall into a coma every year until winter comes and it enters the recovery room, and its pulse returns with the rain.
- Be like rain, all life is subject to your presence, and all people love your mirror, and all the good in you, and your magic generates love in your hands.
- Do not be a tree that anyone waters, and if everyone leaves it, it dies. Be like water. Do not irrigate anyone except by God’s permission.. as if you are a miracle.
Phrases about rain and clouds 2022
The rain is the son of the clouds, and it is the birth of the battles of the clouds, so the singing is linked to one another, and in the following lines are distinct phrases about rain and clouds:
- The mother is a cloud that gives birth to rain and gives people and trees, and after that it is sufficient for her to pass in the spring to be assured that the earth is saturated and flowers bloom.
- Everyone sings about the rain, but few look at the clouds. This is how life is. People look at the results, not the causes.
- And when winter comes, I wish to be a cloud, carrying love and goodness and spreading it over the world, refreshing hearts and watering memories. What a heavenly miracle this rain is.
- Confess the thanks of your parents as you acknowledge the thanks of the cloud that sends down the rain, for God has mocked each of them for a purpose and without them there is no water in your stomach or a trace.
Phrases about the arrival of winter 2022
Phrases about rain and love 2022
Love is the companion of the rain, the companion of the moist air, the companion of the clouds, and with the beloved, the rain becomes sweet and its drops become music. The following are beautiful phrases about rain and love:
- Oh my love, dance with me in the rain, the longing has come, the longing has come, and the dust of caution has gone away.
- It is impossible to know how much I love you, for no one can count the drops of rain, and love is nothing but a rainy winter that waters hearts so that they become trees.
- My darling, you have winter tales, whose moans cut your eyes and rain, and my heart is a hut that returns the air, and my sadness is wood that you ignite by looking.
- There is bliss in the eyes of my beloved, and from the river of his love I quench winter, winter quenches everyone’s hearts, and wipes their worries from the weak.
The best thing about rain
Words are like human beings, varying in tenderness, sweetness and beauty, and a good word is like a beautiful woman that shines in the heart of the onlookers and wafts into the air like perfume.
Samih al-Qasim says about rain: And when I am killed one day, the killer will find tickets in my pocket.. One for peace, one for fields and rain, and one for people’s consciences.. Please do not neglect tickets, my dear killer, please travel.
It is said in one of the German proverbs: We hear the rain falling but not the snow falling, the roaring of light pains but not the silence of deep pains.
From what Mahmoud Darwish said: My homeland is a bag and my bag is the homeland of the gypsies, a people camping in songs and smoke, a people searching for a place between shrapnel and rain.
As for Ahlam Mosteghanemi, she says: There is no point in taking shelter in the canopy of words, for silence in front of the rain is more beautiful.
Beautiful words about coffee and rain
Rain has its rituals, associated with a certain atmosphere in every human being, and coffee is the friend of winter and the partner of coffee in winter rituals, and it is also an aesthetic symbol that gives people meanings.
- Winter is the clicks of rain on the nets, the taste of coffee, the smell of coffee, the wood-burning stove.
- Rain has magic and coffee has another, and one is indispensable to the other. Rain tastes like a cup of coffee, and coffee sugar is raindrops.
- I’m a simple person, and I like my mood with a sip of coffee and some rain.
- Happiness is not measured by things that are far from impossible, you may find it in a cup of coffee in a rainy hour.
A written prayer for rain
And the moments of rain fall moments of goodness and blessing, and the gates of heaven at that time are open for supplication, so it is desirable to supplicate in the rainy hours, and people contemplate the response in those hours more than any time because God’s generosity is abundant and His mercy is wide, and the following is a set of appropriate supplications for rain:
- Oh God, as you sent down rain and irrigated the crops with water, water our hearts with happiness and our wishes for facilitation and success.
- O Lord, grant us your mercy and do not lift your hand from us, bless our deeds and grant us the number of rain grains, the number of tree leaves that are wet, and the number of people who walk on the earth.
- O You who gave us life and bestowed upon us with watering, and You were generous in giving to us, and You were astonished when You covered us, from the treasures of Your gifts and Your mercy, give us.
- Oh judge of needs, our refuge in the vices, rain on us sustenance and success as you rained on us with water, for you are the Almighty and you are the generous and you are the Lord of the earth and the sky.
- You are the giver, you are the giver, you are the keeper, and you are the rest, give us from the good of this world and the hereafter as you watered us, and keep us in health and cover, O you who are not incapable of order.
The most beautiful pictures of rain
And it is not more beautiful than pictures of rain, so the site offers a group of distinctive pictures about rain:
With this, the article ends after presenting beautiful words about rain 2022, the most powerful new words about rain, by presenting a wide range of titles about rain, the beauty of rain, its rituals, and quotes about rain, in addition to the things associated with rain such as winter, love and coffee.
خاتمة لموضوعنا كلام جميل عن المطر 2022 اقوي عبارات كلام عن المطر جديدة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.