كيفية تعليم الطفل الحمام بعمر 3 سنوات

كيفية تعليم الطفل الحمام بعمر 3 سنوات , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How to teach a child the bathroom at the age of 3 years, the child lives different stages of life, during which he learns and explores many things, and among these stages is the stage of dispensing with diapers and going to the bathroom alone and knowing how to relieve himself easily when the time comes for him to realize that stage, which is often three years old The child will not grow up urinating or defecating in the diaper, but rather he must learn to say that he wants to go to the bathroom or go by himself to relieve himself. the toilet.

Information before starting the diaper exercise

Before starting to exercise the child to get rid of the diaper, the mother must be fully aware of some information that every mother should know before starting the exercise to leave the diaper, which are as follows:

  • The need to be patient, because this matter takes a lot of time, which may reach several months in a row.
  • Our children should not be compared to any child from the surrounding environment, because there are great harms resulting from the method of comparison between children.
  • Do not apply pressure in any way.
  • Wait for signs that your child is ready to go to the bathroom.
  • Not to use scientific names to refer to urine and feces such as Baby.
  • It is necessary for the mother to know and be aware that girls are more willing to enter the bathroom than boys.

How to teach a child to go to the bathroom and dispense with pampers

How to teach a 3-year-old to toilet

Many women who want to teach their children to go to the bathroom on their own wonder how to accustom the child to entering the bathroom and dispense with pampers, which can be summarized how to teach a 3-year-old child to toilet in the following points:

  • Encouraging the child to sit on the toilet seat, whether with or without a diaper.
  • The mother should throw the soiled diaper inside the chair in front of the child.
  • Allow the child to see a family member using the bathroom.
  • Some terms should be taught to the child to say when he feels the urge to go to the toilet.
  • Prevent the child from drinking fluids before bed, especially before the last hours before going to bed.
  • The mother was keen to teach the child to go to the bathroom before bed.
  • Forcing the child to get up and go to the bathroom before the mother goes to sleep.
  • The child should be wearing easy-to-handle pants.
  • A wet-proof plastic cover should be placed, with the child deliberately not wearing a diaper.
  • Be patient with the child and do not use the method of punishment.
  • Have the child see the droppings in the toilet, then let him enjoy pressing the rinse button.
  • Before starting to potty train the child, it is necessary to bring a child’s waste seat and put it in the daily living room in which the child plays.
  • Allow the child to touch, observe, touch and become familiar with the seat.
  • Tell the child that the stool is his own, and allow him to sit on it while he is fully clothed, as if it were a normal seat, and he must be allowed to leave it whenever he wants.
  • Making the child sit on the chair without clothes or a diaper, and trying to make the mother feel comfortable for her child by sitting on it without clothes or a diaper.
  • Demonstrate to the child how to use the litter seat.
  • Putting soiled diaper litter in the seat and then letting the child watch as the faeces move from the seat into the toilet, letting them press the rinse button so they can see the faeces disappear into the toilet.
  • Put the child on the toilet for several minutes without diapers.
  • When you notice any signs on the child such as holding the genitals, meeting or sitting on his knees, you must be quick to help him to enter the bathroom.
  • It is better to accustom male children to sit while urinating.
  • Teach girls to dry from urination, as you should dry from front to back, to avoid not transferring bacteria from back to front.
  • Teaching the child the etiquette of entering the bathroom.

Signs that the child is physically ready to go to the bathroom

There are certain and distinctive signs that must be taken into account, in order to avoid error and waste the effort expended in ridding the child of the diaper, and accustoming him to go to the bathroom alone whenever he feels the need to urinate and relieve his need, and among these signs are the following:

  • That the child can control urination and defecation in the diaper for two hours a day.
  • There is an urgent desire of the child to get rid of the diaper.
  • That the child be able to explain.
  • The child is interested in seeing others use the toilet.
  • The child should be able to get up and down from the chair
  • That the child be able to take off his pants by himself.
  • To be able to squat before urinating or defecate in the nappy.
  • Diapers stay dry for longer.

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Signs that the child is psychologically ready to go to the bathroom

The cessation of urination in the diaper is a psychological development in the child, as his psyche is ready to receive how to go to the toilet to urinate himself, so it is necessary to take into account his feelings during this period, there are signs that the child is ready for the bathroom at this stage, which we mention as follows :

  • Baby does not like wet or dirty diapers.
  • To be able to express a desire to change a nappy.
  • Expressing his desire to completely abandon the diaper and reject it completely
  • Baby hiding when filling his diaper.
  • The child imitates adults and wants to do like them.
  • The child wants to explore what is inside the toilet.
  • Distracting the child from the diaper to avoid sticking to it.

Instructions that must be taught to the child when using the bathroom

When the mother makes her decision to make her son not rely on urination on the diaper and go to the bathroom instead, some instructions that the mother must teach her child, which are as follows:

Defining it on the potty

At first, the child must be introduced to the potty, through the mother talking to him about the potty and entering the bathroom in an enthusiastic way that motivates the child to use the bathroom, and the mother can use one of the stuffed animals to show how to use the potty for the child.

Choosing the right potty for the baby

If the child is not bothered by the idea of ​​a toilet and does not reject it, it is possible to buy a child’s toilet seat or buy a potty instead and then move it to the bathroom over time.

The child should be praised and encouraged in different ways

The mother is encouraged for her child by presenting tangible gifts to him after he needs to go to the bathroom, as this helps him and motivates him to this practice, and he must also be encouraged with kind words to get used to it and abide by it.

Teaching the child the necessary hygiene measures

The child must be taught how to use the toilet in the correct manner, which must be explained in a smooth manner that helps the child to understand and apply it.

Define words to describe the child’s urination

The words that will be used to identify the child with urine and feces must be identified, and it is essential that the child be taught to tell his parents when he feels the urge to defecate and urinate.

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Mistakes mothers make before teaching children to use the toilet

Some mothers make many mistakes when teaching their child how to use the bathroom, and these mistakes include:

  • Urgent start training to enter the bathroom, as the ideal age to get rid of the diaper is between two and three years.
  • Reprimand the child if he misses the use of the toilet or the potty, or when he urinates without paying attention.
  • Winter selection of toilet training.
  • Giving the child a lot of diuretic drinks
  • Choosing the wrong time, for example choosing a time that coincides with a major event, such as receiving a new baby, entering the nursery, or changing the location of the home or a place other than the home.
  • Leave the rugs where the child is potty trained.
  • Take off the nappy at night in the first periods of training.
  • Wear regular underwear, as thick underwear should be used for training.
  • Using diapers on trips and events after a long period of training
  • Carrying the mother for the second time does not mean pressuring the first child to teach him to enter the bathroom. If the mother does that and the child is not ready, it must be stopped immediately.
  • When a child has chronic constipation, stop.

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Nocturnal toilet training

Every mother should be aware that she should not take the diaper off her child at night, especially in his first periods of training to leave the diaper. Therefore, some steps must be taken, which are:

  • Do not remove the nappy from the child at night before finding his nappy dry for several consecutive days.
  • Put a plastic mattress in the crib when the baby is not wearing a nappy.
  • Do not reprimand the child if he wets his bed while sleeping.
  • Reduce drinking fluids before bedtime.
  • Leave a dim light in the child’s room and keep the potty close to his bed.

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The right age to take off the nappy for children

The appropriate age for taking off the diaper for children varies from one child to another, as it depends on the mother’s upbringing and her behavior with the child, and the child begins to learn to use the bathroom from the age of eighteen months until three years, as he needs a period of learning that reaches about twenty-seven months, but There are differences between children in learning that depend on many factors, including:

  • The child’s readiness to rely on himself, and the extent of his ability to rely on himself and develop his skills.
  • The child’s ability to focus on one task.
  • The child’s complete refusal to urinate and defecate in the diaper at a certain age.
  • The psychological state of the child and the extent of his acceptance of the matter, and there are some studies that have shown that teaching a child under the age of eighteen months to take off the diaper is nothing but a waste of effort and a waste of time, because at this age the child cannot express his need for a bathroom.

The best age to accustom a child to use the toilet

Determining the appropriate age to leave the nappy may differ from one culture to another, and from one child to another, for example, in certain regions in Africa and Asia, it is normal for children to start learning to use the toilet very early, and in Russia it is normal to start toilet training after another Months before a baby is a year old, but in Western Europe and North America babies begin toilet training sometime between 24 and 36 months, and experts and professionals agree that the time when the baby is ready to remove the nappy should be chosen.

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How long will it take a child to learn to use the toilet

The period of accustoming the sponsor to using the bathroom alone and leaving the diaper takes about three months, but it is important that the mother be patient and not punish the child when he makes a mistake.

Signs of a child’s resistance to nappy training

Sometimes the child may be stubborn and does not want to practice taking off the diaper, and this can be known through some signs and indications that the mother sees and notices on her child, and among these signs are the following:

  • Playing with stool: the mother must raise awareness about this issue and suggest to the child the extent of the harm, in addition to distracting the child with other things while urinating.
  • Placing his hand on his genitals: We know that a child at the beginning of his life possesses a love of exploration. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with introducing him to his genitals and their function, and he should be warned not to touch them.

Do females learn to take off the nappy faster than males?

Although there is a difference between the sexes in nappy removal, the process of nappy removal is similar between the sexes, but sometimes we hear some mothers talk about how females learn to take off the nappy faster than males, is this hadith true or not?

There is an old study that indicates that females are able to express their urination earlier and faster than males, in addition to that they can control the bladder muscles and the process of excretion faster, but the American Academy of Pediatrics indicates that the average age of children for complete control does not differentiate between females and males and it depends Only ready baby whether male or female.

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And here we have come to the end of our article that bore the title, How to teach a child to bathroom at the age of 3 years, where we talked about what mothers should know about accustoming their children to take off the diaper, dispense with it and go to the bathroom, and the psychological or physical indications that appear on the child to show his ability To get him used to going to the bathroom, and how to train the child at night to enter the bathroom.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيفية تعليم الطفل الحمام بعمر 3 سنوات ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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