هل يندم الرجل بعد الزواج الثاني , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Does a man regret after a second marriage is a question that often occupies the mind of the first wife and many women who fear that their husbands will marry after them again so they think a lot about this question, and the reason they think about this is the inability of women to accept that the husband can replace his wife and repeat What he does with her, strictly with another woman. Every female sees in herself a distinction that she does not see in other women, and feels a wound in her dignity if she does not feel that her husband shares this opinion with her. So in this article, the reference website explains the answer to this question and everything related to it.
Does a man regret after a second marriage?
The second marriage usually takes in the minds of most men a happy image of a man surrounded by two wives who always make him smile and comfortable, but the reality is the opposite. In the following, we will explain the reasons why a man regrets his second marriage, and then we will follow them with the signs of remorse that a woman can notice about her husband after the second marriage:
Reasons why men regret their second marriage
There are many reasons why men regret getting married for the second time, the most prominent of which are the following:
- Increasing financial burdens: Increasing financial burdens is not an easy thing for any man, and marriage does not mean just conjugating a man with a woman, but rather it is a complete system based on the woman’s interest in the family life of the man and the man’s spending on the woman and her children from him. There is no doubt that the multiplication of individuals in this equation has The husband is financially exhausted in many cases, which makes him feel that he has hurried when he made the decision to marry again.
- Grief of the first wife: Often when a man loves his first wife, he is sad because he sees her sad, so when he marries the second, he feels very guilty because he caused the injury of his first wife and broke her heart.
- Feeling that the second wife is not suitable: Many men marry the second wife based on advice from family and relatives to marry to discipline the first wife or even in search of pleasure. Undoubtedly, the criteria for choosing a man’s second wife differ from his criteria for choosing the first wife in terms of reasons for marriage And the qualities required in the wife. Often the man has married the second wife because of her beauty. Therefore, after a period of the second marriage, and when the husband gets bored, he will begin to see the flaws of the new wife and compare her to his first wife.
- The anger of the children of the man who married the second: regardless of any considerations, the children usually grieve for their mother’s grief and take her side all the time, so when the man marries he is often threatened with losing the love of his children from the first wife who will feel that he has betrayed them And their mother, too.
- The polygamous husband scattered between his two wives in an attempt to be fair between them: God Almighty has stressed the condition of justice between wives when a man marries multiple women to the extent that the Almighty said in his dear book, “If you fear that you will not be just, then one or what your right hands possess, that is lower, that you should not count.” The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Whoever has two wives and is inclined to one of them will come on the Day of Resurrection with his side tilted.” This makes a man in constant pressure to watch his actions for fear of divine punishment, which puts him under stress all the time.
Signs a man regrets the second marriage
After the marriage of a man to the second wife, he often feels that he has made a mistake when he took this step and begins to feel guilty and try to correct his mistakes, so signs of remorse appear on him. These signs are:
- The husband’s confession of his mistakes: After the second marriage and the husband’s feeling of guilt towards the first wife, he tries to think about the reasons that might have prompted him to take the step of the second marriage and evaluates the wife’s mistakes in addition to his mistakes and tries to fix them, which may lead the wife to often admire the condition of her husband, who is not accustomed to admit his mistakes.
- Striving to please the first wife in various ways: The husband tries to make his first wife happy as much as possible, so he is more kind to their children and may take her and their children out or take a walk more than before, in addition to treating her very kindly, and some husbands may also try to help in the affairs of the house as a kind One of the types of support for the first wife.
- A man left his second wife: One of the signs of a man’s remorse for having remarried is his separation from the second wife after a short period of marriage with her.
- Allocating time for the first wife: The husband begins to spend more time with his first wife as a kind of compensation for the wound he caused her with his second marriage.
- He does crazy things and gives gifts: One of the signs of the husband’s remorse about the second marriage is his attempt to please his wife in any way by making her happy and surprising her. .
- Expressing love to the first wife while asking for her forgiveness: One of the signs of the husband’s remorse for his remarriage may be attempts to appease the first wife and apologize to her while telling her how much he loves her in his heart and his inability to dispense with her.
The actions of a man when he loves in psychology
Reasons for a man to marry again
There are many reasons why a man may remarry after his first wife, including:
The lack of femininity for the first wife
Some women know how to take care of the house and children, but they do not know how to take care of a man, so they turn to what is closer to the female workers who are in charge of cleaning, and this causes inconvenience to the husband who wants to see a beautiful and sexy woman in front of his eyes. The rest of the good qualities, he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “The believer does not benefit after the piety of God Almighty better than a good wife. The quality of beauty for a man in the woman he is going to marry.
A woman’s inability to be her husband’s friend
A man is looking for a wife, mother, and a smart girlfriend in his wife. It may happen that the husband’s mind level is very intelligent than that of his wife in such a way that they are unable to understand each other. Then the husband resorts to a second marriage, trying to compensate for the deficiency he feels with his current wife due to her inability to fill the gap. his needs completely.
wife’s illness
The reason for the second marriage may be the wife’s illness in a way that deprives her husband of living his normal married life, then the husband tries not to waste his life, so he marries for the second time, while not abandoning his first wife and holding her in his seclusion.
Wife’s weakness
Some parents do not know how to raise a girl in a right way that qualifies her for marriage, so the girl finds herself after marriage that has accumulated responsibilities on her and does not know how to do them, so she falls short in the rights of her home and her husband, which makes the husband desire a real woman who can take responsibility for a family and a home.
The wife’s lack of interest in her husband
The wife may be emotionally cold and unable to feel her husband’s love for him, which leads him to try to fill his emotional needs away from her, so he is forced to marry a second time if he fears that he will enter into a forbidden relationship.
trying to raise a wife
Everyone knows the proverb that a woman is only disciplined by another woman, and some unscrupulous people use this proverb in the form of advice to the husband who has problems between him and his wife. bad for his life.
Signs of a husband who intends to marry
Reasons for the failure of a man’s second marriage
Sometimes a man manages to keep more than one wife. On the contrary, most of the time the story of the second marriage ends with the man abandoning his second wife, and this is due to several reasons:
- Nostalgia for the first wife and children: If the husband has continued with his first wife for a long period of time, he will certainly feel nostalgia for their stable life and their children shortly after he implements the decision of the second marriage and becomes willing to restore his normal life again, which may lead him to divorce the wife the second.
- The husband follows the same wrong methods with the new wife: the cause of the problems between the husband and his first wife may be due to mistakes committed by the husband, but his ego prevents him from admitting his mistake and when the second marriage he repeats the same mistakes again, but in this case the second wife does not have the strong justifications that she possesses The first wife to continue the relationship, as there are no children between them, although she knows that the husband can overthrow her and return to his first wife, so the spouses often decide to separate because of this.
- Permanent comparisons made by a man: Although a man is quickly bored, he also does not like to change things that he has been accustomed to. Her dignity refuses such a method, so she ends up asking for a divorce.
- The husband’s children’s hatred of the second wife: The man is greatly influenced by the opinion of his children, and it is natural that the sons are certainly biased towards their mother, so the husband’s children’s hatred of the second wife may be an important factor in their father’s divorce from her.
A woman’s feeling after her husband’s marriage
A man’s marriage to his wife is one of the harshest feelings that any woman may experience in her life. At first, a woman feels that her husband’s marriage to another is a cruel knife instilled in her dignity and self-confidence, and that the world is diminishing, and perhaps the matter has reached her inability to live her life normally. The stages a woman goes through after marrying her husband varies into four stages:
Wife’s shock stage
This stage is considered the first stage of the wife’s feeling after knowing her husband’s marriage to a second woman, in which the wife thinks that something is wrong and that what is happening is not true and that what is said about her husband’s marriage is a kind of lie. The wife confronts her husband, who is usually followed by hysterical reactions such as panic, nervousness, screaming loudly and subsequent questions to him about the reason for his action. Some wives may try to threaten her husband with revenge, while some women may prefer silence and show sadness and oppression, and flirt with the husband’s feelings of guilt.
The stage of rebellion after the wife finds out about the husband’s marriage
This stage is the stage in which the wife is completely unbalanced, and this stage begins after her confrontation with the husband, when she begins to take uncalculated reactions. Among the people and other harmful acts, this period is considered one of the most difficult periods for the husband as well, as the anger of his first wife is like a hurricane, which often causes the husband to panic, who did not expect his wife’s reaction to be so violent.
The stage of adaptation of the wife after the husband’s marriage
This stage is the final stage of changing the wife’s feelings after she learns about her husband’s marriage to another woman. The wife’s feelings begin to calm down, which makes her think about what she should do after what happened from her husband. Some women decide to stay, and some decide to divorce their husbands and stay away from him completely. Often, the housewife chooses to stay, as she is aware that she does not have high chances of collecting money, and the husband for her represents financial security. This behavior is called “psychological detachment.”
My experience with my husband’s second marriage
How does the first wife overcome the ordeal of her husband’s marriage?
Undoubtedly, the husband’s marriage to a second wife is one of the harshest feelings for any woman, as it is equivalent in its cruelty to the stab of a knife. However, life must continue, especially if the woman chooses to complete life with her husband. To overcome the ordeal of the husband’s marriage, the woman can do the following:
- The wife to whom her husband married must know that the husband’s marriage is not the end of life, and she still has many areas of life to achieve in them, such as raising children, developing herself in all areas, increasing her culture and experience in life, which will necessarily increase her self-respect.
- She tries to get closer to God and complains to Him of her worries and sorrows, and she believes in destiny and that what God does for people must be good for them no matter what.
- Be careful not to distort the image of her husband in front of their children, so that she will not be surprised later by the distortion of the children themselves and feel that she has lost twice, once her husband and once her children.
- She tries to renovate her home, her life, and her appearance as much as possible. Renovation brings happiness and a sense of comfort.
- She thinks about the advantages that she actually possesses, apart from what she lost, and praises God for it, feeling his grace.
- She tries to pay attention to her external appearance, which will necessarily give her self-confidence, with which she can deal with the negative feelings of the husband’s marriage because of her insufficiency in him.
- She stays as far as she can from meeting with the second wife or quarreling with her, because this leads to deepening sadness within her, especially if the husband comes in the second wife’s side or the community comes to her side and considers the first an aggressor, and the quarrel will insult the dignity of the first wife and make her feel that she is trying to get her husband’s love force, which will deepen her sense of humiliation.
- Her energy comes out in a useful act such as sports, so she will have maintained her health for as long as possible, and she will also have removed the energy of sadness from within her.
Benefits of the second wife to the first wife
The second marriage is the most that can break a woman’s heart. In this article, we have answered the question that many women ask, which is whether the man regrets after the second marriage. The wife’s feelings have also been clarified after knowing about the second marriage and ways to overcome all these negative feelings so that all Women are aware of the dimensions of the crisis they are in and can successfully overcome it.
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